March 20, 1837 Cairo
Have finally arrived in Cairo. I hooked up with Uncle Richard, or "The Colonel" as everyone calls him. I had to go all the way out to the site to meet with him. He set up shop in some old tomb out there, and never leaves the area. Worse, he expects me to live out there as well!
I had a brief tour of the great pyramid he is working on - it is everything that people have said it is, and more! There's not a single hieroglyphic in it, though. I don't know when I'll be able to use what I've learned about translating them. Perhaps I'll be sent to another tomb or pyramid to see what I can read there.
The Colonel has been searching for more chambers, and currently working upward from the Davidson Chamber. Instead of delicately chiseling, he has been blasting through the blocks! I don't know why he doesn't just dismantle the thing block by block from the top...

March 21, 1837 Giza
I found out what I get to do ... I get to help haul debris! He has all this cheap labor to call on, but I guess a nephew he doesn't have to pay is even cheaper. It's going to be a long year, I can tell.

July 9, 1837 Giza
We started work on the third pyramid today. Unlike the other two, no-one, as far as we know, has ever found a way inside it. Probably, because it is smaller, no-one has really cared.
Someone certainly spent some a lot of effort dismantling a chunk of the north face. Not sure who or how long ago. The Colonel, in typical fashion, has decided that instead of clearing out all the debris and rubble at the base to look for a passage, he's going to take up where they left off and just blast his way into the middle of it.

October 3, 1837 Giza
Today we hit bedrock. We've blasted 60 feet to the middle of the pyramid, and then downward 80 feet all the way to the bottom. Nothing. Now we get to do what we probably should have done at the start and clear out the base. When I say "we", of course, I mean, "me".

October 15, 1837 Giza
We found the way in! It will take days to clear it out, depending on how long the passage is, but we are in!

October 23, 1837 Giza
We are in! It is wonderful! Unfortunately, we are not the first ones here; the walls are covered in Arabic graffiti.
There are many chambers here, all below the pyramid carved out of the bedrock. I guess the Egyptians had had enough of hauling those enormous granite blocks up to the Kings Chamber in the first pyramid. There is a beautiful sarcophagus here; unlike any of the others found; it is highly decorated in an odd fashion. There is no writing of any kind on it, although we did find a cartouche of the Pharaoh Menkaure on something else, which should establish for certain who built this pyramid.

November 2, 1837 Giza
There is something about that sarcophagus from the third pyramid that I just can't let go. It's like those other things from the other pyramids, they just work on your mind.
The Colonel is letting me spend an hour or two a day working with the sarcophagus; as long as I haul rocks for him for most of the day. I'm tempted to call him The Pharaoh, but I don't have the guts.

January 14, 1838 Cairo
The Colonel is wrapping things up at the plateau. I don't think he left a stone unturned (or unblasted).
He's moved the sarcophagus from the third pyramid (blasting a way for it, of course) and brought it to Cairo, to where we are staying now. I can't get enough of it. I know there is a meaning in the pattern.
He's arranging to have it shipped to England. He's agreed to let me stay and return with it. It will be many months before it goes anywhere.

September 29, 1838 Alexandria
The Beatrice has finally arrived to take me and the sarcophagus and the other sundry things back to England. I'm running out of time to study this thing, although I'm no closer to understanding it than before. I noticed that one of the ends of the sarcophagus seems a little bigger, and the pattern may have something to do with it.

October 9, 1838 aboard the Beatrice
I found it! I figured out the pattern, and it showed me a way to open the end. I had just opened it, and saw something in there, when the Captain startled me, and it snapped shut again.
He was very angry. I had had to untie and move it a bit to get at the pattern. "It is extremely dangerous to shift cargo while underway." That thing is so heavy it took all my effort to move it the little bit I did; there is no way it is going to move no matter how much the ship sways. They have resecured it, and I am forbidden to go into the hold until we dock in England.
I just know that when we get to England they will never let me near it again. At my age, I'm only good for hauling rock.

October 18, 1838 aboard the Beatrice
I can't stand it anymore. It has been rough sailing for four days out of Malta, and I cannot sleep. I must get whatever it is out of that sarcophagus. The night watch tonight is a friend of mine; I know his habits, and I can avoid him.

October 19, 1838 adrift
The sun has finally come up, and I can record the disaster. I went down to the hold, moved the sarcophagus, opened it and retrieved a copper plate with a diagram of a pyramid made of triangles, and many numeric hieroglyphics around it. I was so excited, I went back to my cabin and copied it, and I was heading back to return the plate, when the ship lurched to one side, and there was an load tearing sound from the hold. When I looked in, the sarcophagus was gone!
I hadn't tied it back down, and it looks like when the ship lurched, that it slid for a ways and went right through hull! Water was pouring in. I ran back to my cabin, and grabbed my notes, and things got confused. Somehow I ended up in a boat by myself, and I watched the Beatrice sink. It was horrible. I didn't see any other boats or people.
Somewhere, I lost the copper plate. I still have the copy I made.
The sea is rough, I don't know where I am, or where I am going.

October 24, 1838 aboard the Principe Alfonse
I have been rescued by a Spanish ship, the Principe Alfonse. I can't speak a word of Spanish, and they can't speak a word of English. I don't think I'll be in England again anytime soon.
I expect I'll have to work to earn my passage.

November 21, 1838 aboard the Principe Alfonse
I've found the secret to the pyramid diagram! The numbers refer to contiguous blocks of filled-in triangles on each of the rows or diagonal columns. As I figure out where the blocks go, a picture is emerging.
I've only gotten a little bit so far, but it will only take time now.

December 18, 1838 aboard the Principe Alfonse
I've finished the diagram. According to a map the Captain has, it is referencing a location on the west coast of North America near the St. Roc River. It isn't a very good map. The reference from the diagram is incredibly precise; if I hadn't found this myself, I would never have believed it. I'll bet anything that a pyramid or a tomb of some kind was built there by the Egyptians. How, I can't imagine. I must find a way to get there. We'll be arriving in Havana soon, perhaps I can find a way from there.

March 12, 1842 Norfolk
I learned today that the "St. Roc" river is only called that by the Spanish; it is actually the Columbia river. No wonder I've trouble. It still seems a long ways away.

September 29, 1850 Portland
I have finally arrived in Portland in the Oregon Territory. I need to find work, and then, surveying equipment. And maps, they must have better maps here somewhere. As far as I can tell, the place I'm seeking is in the middle of the Willamette River. Nobody I've talked to has heard of a pyramid around here. I must be looking for something smaller.

October 1, 1850 Portland
I got work in a supply store on the waterfront. I get to haul things and make deliveries. Fortunately, I've had a lot of practice.

March 12, 1851 Portland
Something very odd happened today. I gave an old Indian a ride on my cart as I was returning from a delivery. He was telling stories about some strange forest "creatures" that his people glimpse occasionally, that are "ten feet tall", and vanish just as you see them. What an imagination. I asked him them if he had ever heard any legends about pyramids and ancient civilizations. He became very frightened, jumped off the cart, and hurried away.

May 31, 1851 Portland
I have joined the Survey team for first Oregon Territory survey. At last I have real references, and can finally locate the place.

June 21, 1851 The Pyramid of Menkaure
I have found it. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting. What a long story it was to get here, and nobody would believe it anyway. I will leave it for others to find some day in the distant future.

July 3, 1851 Portland
For fun, I left a box of trinkets on a little island in the Columbia, and challenged some survey friends to go find it. Heh heh, they're still out there, probably invoking all kinds of Egyptian curses at me.